By making a donation in any of the ways, you accept the terms of our offer.

We do not want your charitable donation to affect the condition of your life. If at the moment you are in a difficult situation, then we ask you not to make a donation, perhaps this money will help you and your family.

«Zabota o Pensionerah» Charitable Foundation

Реквизиты ПАО Сбербанк

Благотворительный Фонд «Забота о пенсионерах»

ИНН 7727395668
КПП 772701001 ОГРН 1187700018846
р/с 40703810540000008542
ПАО Сбербанк
кор/сч 30101810400000000225 в ПАО Сбербанк г.Москва
БИК 044525297
Назначение платежа: Благотворительное пожертвование. НДС не облагается. 

By making a donation in any of the ways, you accept the terms of our offer.

We do not want your charitable donation to affect the condition of your life. If at the moment you are in a difficult situation, then we ask you not to make a donation, perhaps this money will help you and your family.

«To do good, to be good, to be merciful – people in Russia have been accustomed to those since ancient times. People with a good heart can understand the pain of others and can provide real help. Your participation in charity will allow us to launch a boomerang of kindness, which will make people a little happier, and make you gain personal happiness»
Semenov Dmitriy Vladimirovich
President of a charitable foundation​
«To do good, to be good, to be merciful – people in Russia have been accustomed to those since ancient times. People with a good heart can understand the pain of others and can provide real help. Your participation in charity will allow us to launch a boomerang of kindness, which will make people a little happier, and make you gain personal happiness»
Semenov Dmitriy Vladimirovich
President of a charitable foundation