By joining forces, we can bring hope for having the decent sunset years to many older people facing serious problems

«Zabota o Pensionerah» Charitable Foundation

The Foundation strictly observes the generally recognized principles and norms of international law and the legislation of the Russian Federation during its activity.

We strive for maximum transparency in our activities: we formulate the principles and strictly follow the accepted rules. We report on the progress and results of our work to our partners and society. The Foundation is open for membership. The number of participants is unlimited. The Foundation regularly publishes reports on the use of donations and provides a consolidated report on its activities on its website.

Creativity and imagination
We welcome active creation, innovation, and a creative approach to any endeavor. We help each team member, partner, beneficiary to realize their creative potential.

In our work, we always focus on professional standards — from organizing our activities to choosing partners. We actively seek, study, apply and disseminate best practices in our areas of activity. We always go the extra mile, we are constantly in development, we strive to solve new problems.

We are responsible for our activities and for the solution of the assigned tasks. We are guided by the “do no harm” principle: we carefully assess possible risks for beneficiaries and partners of the Foundation, strive to reduce or eliminate those risks. Our management decisions are based on objective, verified, and the uttermost complete information.

Attention to personality
We are attentive to the people who apply to the Foundation for help and support, we consider each situation individually and comprehensively.

To achieve positive sustainable changes, we take the initiative and motivate all stakeholders to actively engage. We are open to experiments and non-standard solutions. We support the search, use, and replication of new approaches, methods, technologies in our fields of activity.

Relevance and effectiveness
When rendering charitable assistance, the Foundation is guided by the principle of priority support for the neediest categories of the population. A person who, due to improved life circumstances, has lost the status of needy, does not have the right to remain a recipient of the Foundation’s assistance.

Commitment to results
We use a wide range of models and tools in our activities: informational, expert, educational, competitive. We are focused on tangible, measurable practical results and their long-term impact.


The Foundation strictly observes the generally recognized principles and norms of international law and the legislation of the Russian Federation during its activity.

We strive for maximum transparency in our activities: we formulate the principles and strictly follow the accepted rules. We report on the progress and results of our work to our partners and society. The Foundation is open for membership. The number of participants is unlimited. The Foundation regularly publishes reports on the use of donations and provides a consolidated report on its activities on its website.

Creativity and imagination
We welcome active creation, innovation, and a creative approach to any endeavor. We help each team member, partner, beneficiary to realize their creative potential.

In our work, we always focus on professional standards — from organizing our activities to choosing partners. We actively seek, study, apply and disseminate best practices in our areas of activity. We always go the extra mile, we are constantly in development, we strive to solve new problems.

We are responsible for our activities and for the solution of the assigned tasks. We are guided by the “do no harm” principle: we carefully assess possible risks for beneficiaries and partners of the Foundation, strive to reduce or eliminate those risks. Our management decisions are based on objective, verified, and the uttermost complete information.

Attention to personality
We are attentive to the people who apply to the Foundation for help and support, we consider each situation individually and comprehensively.

To achieve positive sustainable changes, we take the initiative and motivate all stakeholders to actively engage. We are open to experiments and non-standard solutions. We support the search, use, and replication of new approaches, methods, technologies in our fields of activity.

Relevance and effectiveness
When rendering charitable assistance, the Foundation is guided by the principle of priority support for the neediest categories of the population. A person who, due to improved life circumstances, has lost the status of needy, does not have the right to remain a recipient of the Foundation’s assistance.

Commitment to results
We use a wide range of models and tools in our activities: informational, expert, educational, competitive. We are focused on tangible, measurable practical results and their long-term impact.